Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
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This section contains peer-reviewd papers in which the MacNew has been used as a patient-reported outcome measure.
- Fernández Coronado R, Olórtegui Yzu A
Efectividad de la prevención terciaria en la calidad de vida y control de los factores de riesgo en pacientes con cardiopatía coronaria isquémica [Effectiveness of tertiary prevention on quality of life and control of risk factors in patients with ischemic coronary heart disease]
Arch Peru Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc. 2023 Sep 30;4(3):88-95.
- Nourali N, Hosseini M, Ghasemi S, Nasiri M
The effect of educational program based on the clinical practice protocol on treatment adherence, self-efficacy and quality of life of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery
J Educ Health Promot. 2023 Sep 29;12:323
- Frank D, Kennon S, Bonaros N, Romano M, Di Mario C, van Ginkel DJ, Bor W, Kasel M, Backer O, Hachaturyan V, Lüske CM, Kurucova J, Bramlage P, Styra R
Quality of Life Measures in Aortic Stenosis Research: A Narrative Review
Cardiology. 2023;148(6):556-570
- Maleki M, Mardani A, Iloonkashkooli R, Khachian A, Glarcher M, Vaismoradi M
The effect of hospital-to-home transitional care using a digital messaging application on the health outcomes of patients undergoing CABG and their family caregivers: a randomized controlled trial study protocol
Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023 Oct 31;10:1224302
- Moludi J, Khedmatgozar H, Nachvak SM, Abdollahzad H, Moradinazar M, Sadeghpour Tabaei A
The effects of co-administration of probiotics and prebiotics on chronic inflammation, and depression symptoms in patients with coronary artery diseases: a randomized clinical trial
Nutr Neurosci. 2022 Aug;25(8):1659-1668
- den Uijl I, Ter Hoeve N, Sunamura M, Stam HJ, Boersma E, Lenzen MJ, Brouwers RWM, Tenbült-van Limpt NCCW, Ista E, van den Berg-Emons RJG.
Cardiac rehabilitation designed for patients with obesity: OPTICARE XL RCT results on health-related quality of life and psychosocial well-being.
Disabil Rehabil. 2023 Mar;45(6):1046-1055. - Mutagaywa RK, Cramer MJ, Chillo P, Khamis RH, Boniface R, Muhozya A, Barongo A, Byomuganyizi M, Kwesigabo G, Kamuhabwa A, Nyangasa B, Kisenge P, Chamuleau S.
Health related quality of life of patients following mechanical valve replacement surgery for rheumatic mitral stenosis in Tanzania.
J Cardiothorac Surg. 2023 Apr 21;18(1):159.
- Khajavi A, Moshki M, Minaee S, Vakilian F, Montazeri A, Hashemizadeh H.
Chronic heart failure health-related quality of life questionnaire (CHFQOLQ-20): development and psychometric properties.
BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2023 Mar 29;23(1):165.
- Jellestad L, Meier VG, Bierbauer W, Bermudez T, Auschra B, Günther MP, Scholz U, von Känel R, Hermann M, Euler S.
Differential associations of emotional and physical domains of the MacNew Heart with changes in 6-min walking test.
Qual Life Res. 2023 Feb;32(2):615-624. - Abdelaziz HK, Hashmi I, Taylor R, Debski M, Hasan R, Rajathurai T, Fairbairn TA, Buch MH, Wiper A, More R, Sanderson J, Roberts DH
Quality of Life Assessment in Patients Undergoing Trans-Catheter Aortic Valve Implantation Using MacNew Questionnaire
Am J Cardiol. 2022 Feb 1;164:103-110.
- Upadhyay V, Bhandari SS, Rai DP, Dutta S, García-Grau P, Vaddiparti K.
Improving depression and perceived social support enhances overall quality of life among myocardial infarction survivors: necessity for integrating mental health care into cardiac rehabilitation programs.
Egypt J Neurol Psychiatr Neurosurg. 2022;58:87.
- Ahmadikhatir S, Ostadrahimi A, Safaiyan A, Ahmadikhatir S, Farrin N.
Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) supplements improve quality of life and appetite in atherosclerosis patients: A randomized clinical trial.
J Res Med Sci. 2022 Apr 15;27:30
- Okur I, Aksoy CC, Yaman F, Sen T.
Which high-intensity interval training program is more effective in patients with coronary artery disease?
Int J Rehabil Res. 2022 Jun 1;45(2):168-175.
- Sadeh M, Agay N, Brauer M, Chudnovsky A, Ziv A, Dankner R.
Is health-related quality of life 1-year after coronary artery bypass graft surgery associated with living in a greener environment?
Environ Res. 2022 Sep;212(Pt C):113364.
- Köhn S, Schlumbohm A, Marquardt M, Scheel-Sailer A, Tobler S, Vontobel J, Menzi L.
Predicting non-response in patient-reported outcome measures: results from the Swiss quality assurance programme in cardiac inpatient rehabilitation.
Int J Qual Health Care. 2022 Dec 8;34(4):mzac093. - Bermudez T, Bierbauer W, Scholz U, Hermann M
Depression and anxiety in cardiac rehabilitation: differential associations with changes in exercise capacity and quality of life
Anxiety Stress Coping. 2022 Mar;35(2):204-218. - Kularatna S, Rowen D, Mukuria C, McPhail S, Chen G, Mulhern B, Whitty JA, Byrnes J, Scuffham P, Atherton J, Höfer S, Parsonage W
Development of a preference-based heart disease-specific health state classification system using MacNew heart disease-related quality of life instrument
Qual Life Res. 2022 Jan;31(1):257-268 - Moludi J, Khedmatgozar H, Nachvak SM, Abdollahzad H, Moradinazar M, Sadeghpour Tabaei A
The effects of co-administration of probiotics and prebiotics on chronic inflammation, and depression symptoms in patients with coronary artery diseases: a randomized clinical trial
Nutr Neurosci. 2021 Feb 28:1-10. - Chockalingam A, Chan A, Kanaley JA, Aggarwal K
Home-Based Arm Cardiac Rehabilitation in Disabled Veterans: A Pilot Study
Mo Med. 2021 Jul-Aug;118(4):387-392. - Schönfelder M, Oberreiter H, Egger A, Tschentscher M, Droese S, Niebauer J
Effect of Different Endurance Training Protocols During Cardiac Rehabilitation on Quality of Life
Am J Med. 2021 Jun;134(6):805-811 - Wijaya IP
The Importance of Selecting Permanent Pacemaker, Evaluating the Heart and Assessing Quality of Life in Cardiac Patient
Acta Med Indones. 2021 Jul;53(3):243-244. - Gąsecka A, Rzepa B, Skwarek A, Ćwiek A, Pluta K, Szarpak Ł, Jaguszewski MJ, Mazurek T, Kochman J, Opolski G, Filipiak KJ, Gąsecki K
Health-related Quality of Life Increases After First-time Acute Myocardial Infarction: a Population-based Study
Zdr Varst. 2021 Dec 27;61(1):24-31. - Chatzinikolaou A, Tzikas S, Lavdaniti M
Assessment of Quality of Life in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease Using the SF-36, MacNew, and EQ-5D-5L Questionnaires
Cureus. 2021 Sep 14;13(9):e17982 - Kang K, Gholizadeh L, Han HR
Health-related Quality of Life and Its Predictors in Korean Patients with Myocardial Infarction in the Acute Phase
Clin Nurs Res. 2021 Feb;30(2):161-170. - Mansilla-Chacón M, Gómez-Urquiza JL, Martos-Cabrera MB, Albendín-García L, Romero-Béjar JL, Cañadas-De La Fuente GA, Suleiman-Martos N
Effects of Supervised Cardiac Rehabilitation Programmes on Quality of Life among Myocardial Infarction Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
J Cardiovasc Dev Dis. 2021 Nov 27;8(12):166 - Amstad T, Taeymans J, Englberger L, Mohacsi P, Steiner D, Wilhelm MJ, Hermann M
Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients With Ventricular Assist Device
J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2021 Nov 9 - Gao L, Luo W, Tonmukayakul U, Moodie M, Chen G
Mapping MacNew Heart Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire onto country-specific EQ-5D-5L utility scores: a comparison of traditional regression models with a machine learning technique
Eur J Health Econ. 2021 Mar;22(2):341-350 - McGregor G, Powell R, Kimani P, Underwood M.
Does contemporary exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation improve quality of life for people with coronary artery disease? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
BMJ Open. 2020 Jun 7;10(6):e036089. - Lamu AN
Does linear equating improve prediction in mapping? Crosswalking MacNew onto EQ-5D-5L value sets
Eur J Health Econ. 2020 Aug;21(6):903-915. - den Uijl I, Ter Hoeve N, Sunamura M, Stam HJ, Lenzen MJ, van den Berg VJ, Boersma E, van den Berg-Emons RJG.
Health-related quality of life and cardiac rehabilitation: Does body mass index matter?
J Rehabil Med. 2020 Jul 31;52(7):jrm00083. - de Bakker M, den Uijl I, Ter Hoeve N, van Domburg RT, Geleijnse ML, van den Berg-Emons RJ, Boersma E, Sunamura M.
Association Between Exercise Capacity and Health-Related Quality of Life During and After Cardiac Rehabilitation in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: A Substudy of the OPTICARE Randomized Controlled Trial.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2020 Apr;101(4):650-657. - Candelaria D, Randall S, Ladak L, Gallagher R.
Health-related quality of life and exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in contemporary acute coronary syndrome patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Qual Life Res. 2020 Mar;29(3):579-592. - Freene N, van Berlo S, McManus M, Mair T, Davey R.
A Behavioral Change Smartphone App and Program (ToDo-CR) to Decrease Sedentary Behavior in Cardiac Rehabilitation Participants: Prospective Feasibility Cohort Study.
JMIR Form Res. 2020 Nov 3;4(11):e17359. - Sadeghi M, Izadi A, Mahdi Hadavi M, Rafati Fard M, Roohafza H.
Comparison of the effect of 12- and 24-session cardiac rehabilitation on physical, psychosocial and biomedical factors in ischemic heart disease patients.
Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig. 2020 Feb 14;41(1) - Brotons Cuixart C, Ribera Solé A, Permanyer Miralda G, Cascant Castelló P, Moral Peláez I, Pinar Sopena J, Oldridge NB
Adaptation of the MacNew QLMI quality of life questionnaire after myocardial infarction to be used in the Spanish population
Med Clin (Barc). 2000 Dec 9;115(20):768-71 - Tok Yildiz F, Kaşikçi M
Impact of Training Based on Orem’s Theory on Self-Care Agency and Quality of Life in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
J Nurs Res. 2020 Dec;28(6):e125 - Steinmetz C, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Baumgarten H, Walther T, Mengden T, Walther C
Prehabilitation in patients awaiting elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery – effects on functional capacity and quality of life: a randomized controlled trial
Clin Rehabil. 2020 Oct;34(10):1256-1267 - Saba MA, Goharpey S, Attarbashi Moghadam B, Salehi R, Afshani SM.
Validation and responsiveness of the Persian version of HeartQoL questionnaire in cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting: An observational study.
ARYA Atheroscler. 2020 Jul;16(4):170-177. - Al Abdi RM, Alshraideh H, Hijazi HH, Jarrah M, Alyahya MS.
The use of echocardiographic and clinical data recorded on admission to simplify decision making for elective percutaneous coronary intervention: a prospective cohort study.
BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2019 Mar 18;19(1):46. - De Vecchis R, Paccone A, Di Maio M.
Retraction: Health-related quality of life and unscheduled re-hospitalizations after coronary revascularization: significant predictive role of the MacNew questionnaire.
Minerva Cardioangiol. 2020 Feb 20.
- Lachowska K, Bellwon J, Moryś J, Gruchała M, Hering D.
Slow breathing improves cardiovascular reactivity to mental stress and health-related quality of life in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction.
Cardiol J. 2020;27(6):772-779.
- Ul-Haq Z, Khan D, Hisam A, Yousafzai YM, Hafeez S, Zulfiqar F, Gul AM, Hafizullah M, Pell J.
Effectiveness of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Health-related Quality of Life in Patients with Myocardial Infarction in Pakistan.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2019 Sep;29(9):803-809.
- Wauthy P, Pierrakos C, Chebli L, Tortora R.
Long-term survival and quality of life in Jehovah’s witnesses after cardiac surgery: a case control study.
BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2019 Mar 29;19(1):73.
- Mozenska O, Bil J, Segiet A, Kosior DA.
The influence of calcium-phosphate metabolism abnormalities on the quality of life in patients with hemodynamically significant mitral regurgitation.
BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2019 May 16;19(1):116. - Gao L, Moodie M, Chen G.
Measuring subjective wellbeing in patients with heart disease: relationship and comparison between health-related quality of life instruments.
Qual Life Res. 2019 Apr;28(4):1017-1028.
- Houchen-Wolloff L, Gardiner N, Devi R, Robertson N, Jolly K, Marshall T, Furze G, Doherty P, Szczepura A, Powell J, Singh S
Web-based cardiac REhabilitatioN alternative for those declining or dropping out of conventional rehabilitation: results of the WREN feasibility randomised controlled trial.
Open Heart. 2018 Oct 8;5(2):e000860.
- Freene N, McManus M, Mair T, Tan R, Davey R.
Objectively Measured Changes in Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Cardiac Rehabilitation: A PROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY.
J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2018 Nov;38(6):E5-E8.
- Kang K, Gholizadeh L, Han HR, Inglis SC.
Predictors of health-related quality of life in korean patients with myocardial infarction: a longitudinal observational study.
Heart Lung. 2018 Mar-Apr;47(2):142-148. - Darvishpour A, Javadi-Pashaki N, Salari A, Sadeghi T, Taleshan-Nejad M.
Factors associated with quality of life in patients undergoing coronary angioplasty.
Int J Health Sci (Qassim). 2017 Sep-Oct;11(4):35-41.
- Bahall M, Khan K.
Quality of life of patients with first-time AMI: a descriptive study.
Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2018 Feb 13;16(1):32. - Kunschitz E, Friedrich O, Schöppl C, Maitz J, Sipötz J.
Illness perception patterns in patients with Coronary Artery Disease.
Psychol Health Med. 2017 Sep;22(8):940-946.
- Sharifi MH, Eftekhari MH, Ostovan MA, Rezaianazadeh A.
Effects of a therapeutic lifestyle change diet and supplementation with Q10 plus L-carnitine on quality of life in patients with myocardial infarction: A randomized clinical trial.
J Cardiovasc Thorac Res. 2017;9(1):21-28. - Løvlien M, Mundal L, Hall-Lord ML.
Health-related quality of life, sense of coherence and leisure-time physical activity in women after an acute myocardial infarction.
J Clin Nurs. 2017 Apr;26(7-8):975-982.
- Valiee S, Razavi NS, Aghajani M, Bashiri Z.
Effectiveness of a psychoeducation program on the quality of life in patients with coronary heart disease: A clinical trial.
Appl Nurs Res. 2017 Feb;33:36-41. - Jankowska-Polańska B, Uchmanowicz I, Dudek K, Łoboz-Grudzień K.
Sex differences in the quality of life of patients with acute coronary syndrome treated with percutaneous coronary intervention after a 3-year follow-up.
Patient Prefer Adherence. 2016 Jul 20;10:1279-87
- Rajati F, Feizi A, Tavakol K, Mostafavi F, Sadeghi M, Sharifirad G.
Comparative Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaires in Patients With Heart Failure Undergoing Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Psychometric Study.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2016 Nov;97(11):1953-1962.
- Lisiak M, Uchmanowicz I, Wontor R.
Frailty and quality of life in elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Clin Interv Aging. 2016 May 5;11:553-62.
- Jørstad HT, Minneboo M, Helmes HJ, Fagel ND, Scholte Op Reimer WJ, Tijssen JG, Peters RJ.
Effects of a nurse-coordinated prevention programme on health-related quality of life and depression in patients with an acute coronary syndrome: results from the RESPONSE randomised controlled trial.
BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2016 Jul 8;16(1):144.
- Yazdani-Bakhsh R, Javanbakht M, Sadeghi M, Mashayekhi A, Ghaderi H, Rabiei K.
Comparison of health-related quality of life after percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary artery bypass surgery.
ARYA Atheroscler. 2016 May;12(3):124-131.
- Lee WL, Chinna K, Bulgiba A, Abdullah KL, Abidin IZ, Höfer S.
Test-retest reliability of HeartQoL and its comparability to the MacNew heart disease health-related quality of life questionnaire.
Qual Life Res. 2016 Feb;25(2):351-357.
- Benzer W, Philippi A, Höfer S, Friedrich O, Oldridge N
Health-related quality of life predicts unplanned rehospitalization following coronary revascularization.
Herz. 2016 Mar;41(2):138-43 - Baldi C, De Vecchis R, Ariano C.
The MacNew Questionnaire Is a Helpful Tool for Predicting Unplanned Hospital Readmissions After Coronary Revascularization.
J Clin Med Res. 2016 Mar;8(3):210-4
- Włodarczyk D
Gender and quality of life and coping over one year after myocardial infarction: do men really have the upper hand?
Kardiol Pol. 2016;74(5):447-53 - Leidl R, Schweikert B, Hahmann H, Steinacker JM, Reitmeir P.
Assessing quality of life in a clinical study on heart rehabilitation patients: how well do value sets based on given or experienced health states reflect patients’ valuations?
Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2016 Mar 22;14:48.
- Freene N, Del Pozo Cruz B, Davey R.
Assessing the ‘active couch potato’ phenomenon in cardiac rehabilitation: rationale and study protocol.
BMC Health Serv Res. 2016 Feb 27;16:75.
- Peixoto TC, Begot I, Bolzan DW, Machado L, Reis MS, Papa V, Carvalho AC, Arena R, Gomes WJ, Guizilini S.
Early exercise-based rehabilitation improves health-related quality of life and functional capacity after acute myocardial infarction: a randomized controlled trial.
Can J Cardiol. 2015 Mar;31(3):308-13.
- Salavati M, Fallahinia G, Vardanjani AE, Rafiei H, Mousavi S, Torkamani M.
Comparison Between Effects of Home Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs Versus Usual Care on the Patients’ Health Related Quality of Life After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft.
Glob J Health Sci. 2015 Aug 19;8(4):196-202.
- Ter Hoeve N, van Geffen ME, Post MW, Stam HJ, Sunamura M, van Domburg RT, van den Berg-Emons RJ.
Participation in society in patients with coronary artery disease before and after cardiac rehabilitation.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Jun;96(6):1110-6
- Ammenwerth E, Woess S, Baumgartner C, Fetz B, van der Heidt A, Kastner P, Modre-Osprian R, Welte S, Poelzl G.
Evaluation of an Integrated Telemonitoring Surveillance System in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease.
Methods Inf Med. 2015;54(5):388-97.
- Chen G, McKie J, Khan MA, Richardson JR.
Deriving health utilities from the MacNew Heart Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire.
Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2015 Oct;14(5):405-15.
- Blazek S, Rossbach C, Borger MA, Fuernau G, Desch S, Eitel I, Stiermaier T, Lurz P, Holzhey D, Schuler G, Mohr FW, Thiele H.
Comparison of sirolimus-eluting stenting with minimally invasive bypass surgery for stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery: 7-year follow-up of a randomized trial.
JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2015 Jan;8(1 Pt A):30-8
- Moryś J, Bellwon J, Höfer S, Rynkiewicz A, uchtruchała N
Quality of life in patients with coronary heart disease after myocardial infarction and with ischemic heart failure
Arch Med Sci. published online July 2014.
- Melamed RJ, Tillmann A, Kufleitner HE, Thürmer U, Dürsch M.
Evaluating the efficacy of an education and treatment program for patients with coronary heart disease.
Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2014 Nov 21;111(47):802-8.
- Tang C, Shanmugasegaram S, Chow CM, Cho N, Tan Y, Grace SL.
A comparison of psychosocial health in North American and Chinese Canadian cardiac outpatients, and ethnocultural correlates of quality of life.
Ethn Dis. 2014 Summer;24(3):302-9.
- Lidell E, Höfer S, Saner H, Perk J, Hildingh C, Oldridge N
Health-related quality of life in European women following myocardial infarction: A cross-sectional study.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. published online 12 May 2014.
- Koltowski L, Koltowska-Haggstrom M, Filipiak KJ, Kochman J, Golicki D, Pietrasik A, Huczek Z, Balsam P, Scibisz A, Opolski G.
Quality of life in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention–radial versus femoral access (from the OCEAN RACE Trial).
Am J Cardiol. 2014 Aug 15;114(4):516-21.
- Höfer S, Benzer W, Oldridge N
Change in health-related quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease predicts 4-year mortality.
International Journal of Cardiology. published online 21 April 2014.
- Akyildiz ZI, Ergene O
Frequency of angina and quality of life in outpatients with stable coronary artery disease in Turkey: insights from the PULSE study.
Acta Cardiol. 2014 Jun;69(3):253-9.
- Sipötz J, Friedrich O, Höfer S, Benzer W, Chatsakos T, Gaul G.
Health related quality of life and mental distress after PCI: restoring a state of equilibrium.
Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2013, 11:144 - Pedrosa RB, Rodrigues RC, Padilha KM, Gallani MC, Alexandre NM.
Medida do impacto da doença: validade de constructo de instrumento entre coronariopatas [Measure of disease impact: instrument construct validity in patients with coronary artery disease].
Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2013 Aug;47(4):843-51. Portuguese.
- Herman R, Liebergall M, Rott D.
Correlation between Participation in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program and Quality of Life of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease.
Rehabil Nurs. 2013 Aug 6. doi: 10.1002/rnj.118. [Epub ahead of print]
- Weberg M, Hjermstad MJ, Hilmarsen CW, Oldervoll L.
Inpatient cardiac rehabilitation and changes in self-reported health related quality of life–a pilot study.
Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2013 Jul;56(5):342-55. doi: 10.1016/ Epub 2013 Apr 3.
- Blum MR, Schmid JP, Eser P, Saner H.
Long-term results of a 12-week comprehensive ambulatory cardiac rehabilitation program.
J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2013 Mar-Apr;33(2):84-90. doi: 10.1097/HCR.0b013e3182779b88.
- Busch JC, Lillou D, Wittig G, Bartsch P, Willemsen D, Oldridge N, Bjarnason-Wehrens B.
Resistance and balance training improves functional capacity in very old participants attending cardiac rehabilitation after coronary bypass surgery.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Dec;60(12):2270-6. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12030. Epub 2012 Nov 23.
- Naderi N, Bakhshandeh H, Amin A, Taghavi S, Dadashi M, Maleki M.
Development and Validation of the First Iranian Questionnaire to Assess Quality of Life in Patients With Heart Failure: IHF-QoL.
Res Cardiovasc Med. 2012 Nov;1(1):10-6.
- Saiguay W, Sakthong P.
The psychometric testing of the Thai version of the health utilities index in patients with ischemic heart disease.
Qual Life Res. 2012 Oct 23
- Wrześniewski K, Włodarczyk D.
Sense of coherence as a personality predictor of the quality of life in men and women after myocardial infarction.
Kardiol Pol. 2012;70(2):157-163.
- Nekouei ZK, Yousefy A, Manshaee G.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy and quality of life: An experience among cardiac patients.
J Educ Health Promot. 2012;1:2. doi: 10.4103/2277-9531.94410. Epub 2012 Mar 28.
- Le Grande MR, Elliott PC, Worcester MU, Murphy BM, Goble AJ, Kugathasan V, Sinha K.
Identifying illness perception schemata and their association with depression and quality of life in cardiac patients.
Psychol Health Med. 2012 Mar 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- dos Santos RA, Rodrigues RC, Padilha KM, Rodrigues Sde L, Spana TM, Gallani MC.
Validation of an instrument to measure the impact of coronary disease on patient’s daily life.
J Clin Nurs. 2012 Feb;21(3-4):485-94. Epub 2011 Dec 16.
- Dankner R, Burya-Sa’adon L, Geulayov G, Kobalyov A, Drory Y.
Health-related quality of life of Israeli heart patients according to the MacNew heart disease specific instrument.
Harefuah. 2011 Oct;150(10):760-4, 816.
- Dickson VV, Howe A, Deal J, McCarthy MM.
The relationship of work, self-care, and quality of life in a sample of older working adults with cardiovascular disease.
Heart Lung. 2012 Jan-Feb;41(1):5-14. Epub 2011 Nov 12.
- Gromoske AN, Oldridge N, Brondino MJ.
Readability of 3 heart disease health-related quality of life questionnaires.
J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2011 Jul-Aug;31(4):245-8.
- Meder M, Farin E.
Health valuations for patients with chronic ischemic heart disease.
Rehabilitation (Stuttg). 2011 Aug;50(4):222-31. Epub 2011 May 30. [in German.]
- Kahyaoğlu Süt H, Unsar S.
Is EQ-5D a valid quality of life instrument in patients with acute coronary syndrome?
Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2011;11(2):156-62. Epub 2011 Feb 23.
- Chung ES, Dan D, Solomon SD, Bank AJ, Pastore J, Iyer A, Berger RD, Franklin JO, Jones G, Machado C, Stolen CM.
Effect of peri-infarct pacing early after myocardial infarction: results of the prevention of myocardial enlargement and dilatation post myocardial infarction study.
Circ Heart Fail. 2010 Nov 1;3(6):650-8. Epub 2010 Sep 17.
- Farin E, Meder M.
Personality and the physician-patient relationship as predictors of quality of life of cardiac patients after rehabilitation.
Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2010 Sep 14;8:100.
- Yohannes AM, Doherty P, Bundy C, Yalfani A.
The long-term benefits of cardiac rehabilitation on depression, anxiety, physical activity and quality of life.
J Clin Nurs. 2010 Oct;19(19-20):2806-13. Epub 2010 Aug 24.
- Benetti M, Araujo CL, Santos RZ.
Cardiorespiratory fitness and quality of life at different exercise intensities after myocardial infarction.
Arq Bras Cardiol. 2010 Sep;95(3):399-404. Epub 2010 Jul 16.
- Cornelissen VA, Defoor JG, Stevens A, Schepers D, Hespel P, Decramer M, Mortelmans L, Dobbels F, Vanhaecke J, Fagard RH, Vanhees L.
Effect of creatine supplementation as a potential adjuvant therapy to exercise training in cardiac patients: a randomized controlled trial.
Clin Rehabil. 2010 Nov;24(11):988-99. Epub 2010 Jun 24.
- Aamot IL, Moholdt T, Amundsen BH, Solberg HS, Mørkved S, Støylen A.
Onset of exercise training 14 days after uncomplicated myocardial infarction: a randomized controlled trial.
Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2010 Aug;17(4):387-92.
- Cupples ME, Tully MA, Dempster M, Corrigan M, McCall DO, Downey B.
Cardiac rehabilitation uptake following myocardial infarction: cross-sectional study in primary care.
J Gen Pract. 2010 Jun;60(575):431-5.
- Eder B, Hofmann P, von Duvillard SP, Brandt D, Schmid JP, Pokan R, Wonisch M.
Early 4-week cardiac rehabilitation exercise training in elderly patients after heart surgery.
J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2010 Mar-Apr;30(2):85-92.
- Pfaffenberger N, Doering S, Puffinger P, Höfer S, Alber H, Ruttmann E, Günther V, Kopp M.
Health-related quality of life, anxiety and depression before and after coronary artery bypass grafting.
Wien Med Wochenschr. 2010 Jan;160(1-2):44-53. [in German].
- Schubmann R, Seekatz B.
Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität in der stationären kardiologischen Rehabiliation
Herzmedizin 2010; 10; 183-188.
- Höfer S, Pfaffenberger N, Renn D, Platter M, Ring L.
Coronary Intervention Improves Disease Specific Health-Related Quality of Life but Not Individualised Quality of Life: A Potential Response Shift Effect?
Applied Research in Quality of Life. March 2011, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 81-90 (2010 (online first))
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